Certifikimet e kompanis tonë

IMB Soft

Ne duam të përmbushim standardet më të larta, të ofrojmë vlera superiore për klientët tanë përmes programeve tona. Prandaj, ne i lejojmë vetes që rregullisht të certifikohemi nga institucione të pavarura si dëshmi e kësaj garancie dhe besueshmërie për klientët tanë.

ISO 20000-1 :2018 Certification

Software design & development, Implementation processes of digitalization and support of it systems.


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ISO 27001 : 2013 Certification

Software design & development, Implementation processes of digitalization and support of it systems.


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ISO 9001 : 2015 Certification

Design, development and implementation of software systems 


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ISO 14001 : 2015 Certification

Environmental management systems and software development, digitization processes and information technology systems support.


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ISO 28000 : 2007 Certification

Supply chain security management systems and software development, digitization processes and information technology systems support.


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ISO 29990 : 2010 Certification

Learning services for non-formal eduaction and training basic requirements for service providers and software development, digitization processes and information technology systems support.


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ISO 45001 : 2018 Certification

Occupational health and safety management systems (OHSAS 18001:2007) and software development, digitization processes and information technology systems support.


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ISO 50001 : 2018 Certification

Energy management systems and software development, digitization processes and information technology systems support.


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ISO 55000 : 2014 Certification

Asset management systems and software development, digitization processes and information technology systems support.


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