Ne duam të përmbushim standardet më të larta, të ofrojmë vlera superiore për klientët tanë përmes programeve tona. Prandaj, ne i lejojmë vetes që rregullisht të certifikohemi nga institucione të pavarura si dëshmi e kësaj garancie dhe besueshmërie për klientët tanë.
Software design & development, Implementation processes of digitalization and support of it systems.
Software design & development, Implementation processes of digitalization and support of it systems.
Design, development and implementation of software systems
Environmental management systems and software development, digitization processes and information technology systems support.
Supply chain security management systems and software development, digitization processes and information technology systems support.
Learning services for non-formal eduaction and training basic requirements for service providers and software development, digitization processes and information technology systems support.
Occupational health and safety management systems (OHSAS 18001:2007) and software development, digitization processes and information technology systems support.
Energy management systems and software development, digitization processes and information technology systems support.
Asset management systems and software development, digitization processes and information technology systems support.